flourrish how to do pedicure at home

How To Do Pedicure At Home

Whom don’t want that soft spongy foot, ofcourse everyone wants. But due to many reasons, it’s a challenge for many, but not difficult.

We often feel stressed about “how to do pedicure at home”.

When we feel to do we get overwhelmed or we forget about it in our daily schedules and life moves on.

But the important thing we forget is that from the time we wake up in the early morning to the time we go to bed for sleep the night, we are on our feet all the time.

We don’t even take time for a few minutes to rest to let the body relax.

Have you ever taken some time to relieve tension from your legs and made them relax after your hectic daily schedule? The answer could be, where is the time we are already short of the time and it’s just 24 hours in a day which is really injustice.

If you look into many people who have well-maintained foot are also have the same time, but priorities might be different.

No matter what we must take care of our legs and feet as all the day we are on the feet. Considering that I want you to share some effective ways and easy methods on how to do pedicures at home and that too with natural ingredients.

You can do it at your home at your convenient time of just a few minutes. Once you do and am sure that you will cater at least a day in the week.

Well, to do pedicure at home you need the below items:

Nail Brush

Pumice stone


Nail Cleaner


Moisturing Cream

Cuticle Pusher

Nail Cutter

Handmade Natural Shampoo

Lemon Slices

A tub of warm water


Rose Petals or Jasmine

You wouldn’t have worried by now as I know almost all the items I shared about you will be already having at home.

So once you are ready with the above items then follow the step-by-step guide shared below to do pedicure at home with natural ingredients.

First: Clean Your Nails:

Take handmade shampoo and clean your nails. Many use acetone, you can do it if you feel, Since am sharing how to do pedicures at home with natural ingredients so I didn’t mention acetone.

Well once you cleaned your nails, cut and file them. Keep whatever length and shape you wish.

Second: Massage With Honey:

Massage your nails with a little honey. Take a tub of warm water, add fresh lemon slices and rose petals to it, and dip your legs into it.

Third: Use Pumice Stone:

Once you feel that your nails are softened, take the brush and clean the nails. Remove the dead skin on the heel with a pumice stone. Now clean the nails with cleaner and a cuticle pusher.

Fourth: Remove Tan:

Remove the tan by rubbing the lemon slices on the skin. Use your towel, and pat on the feet to dry.

Fifth: Smooth Out Dead Skin:

Now you have to smoothen the dead skin. Use the loofah.

Take two tablespoons of honey and massage the foot gently. Then wipe off the honey using a towel dipping into lukewarm water.

Once you did it, you are all done with your how-to-do pedicure at home, and that too with natural ingredients.


There are many other home remedies for you in our weekly magazine.

Do subscribe and get the entire list of other home remedies for manicures and pedicures at home.

You can also book an appointment with us if you are from ECR road or near and around Chennai, our professional team can help you with natural manicure and pedicure at our flourrish salon and makeover studio

You can also shop handmade manicure and pedicure products and skin care products from our online store.

Thank you and we look forward to serving you.

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